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This limited edition bar is typically only available in the fall. It uses a flavourful herb called Anise Hyssop to deliver a sweet licorice flavour to the chocolate. A Guatemalan cacao is used as the base and black mission figs are added at the pour to complement the earthy, rich flavours of the anise. This bar is a bit of a revelation. A must try for those of you who are licorice chocolate sceptics. An early taster of this bar took one try and hid it away for personal snacking only.  

This bar is another wonderful collaboration with Kate and Phil from Foggy River Farms. Every spring, we eagerly scan through the Richters Herbs catalog looking for new herbs to grow for our chocolate. Richters Herbs is just down the road from us, and if you are feeling a little blue in the middle of the winter, their greenhouses are a fantastic place to visit! This year, we focused on those herbs with a licorice flavour. We selected two licorice-flavoured plants, one was Anise Hyssop. It grew, we dried it, tried it out in chocolate, and it was marvelous. But.... we had only planted two plants. I was ready to wait until next year, when Foggy River Farms came to the rescue. 

INGREDIENTS: organic cacao, organic cane sugar, organically grown anise hyssop, black mission figs.

Gluten-free, vegan

WEIGHT: 60 grams



2024 Academy of Chocolate, Bronze

2023 Academy of Chocolate, Bronze


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